
Centers of (sexual) interest

What i'm into ? always a hard question to answer as it can be influenced by mood and partner. but let's try a first list, and i'll get back to the subjects later (maybe) :

- Bottom-ing : having my asshole streched and fucked by another manhood is probably one of the most delicious humiliation i repetedly experienced. love it, though i wished my asshole was more into taking it than it actually does.

- Spank-ed : i have a good/big ass as said, and love to be spanked. i mean seriously. it requires more talent than it seems, at first, to be a good spanker. I experienced most of the field, even some spank-only sessions (hand, wooden or leather paddle, belt, english cane...) I think i enjoy most hand or leather paddle so far, the others are too strong and intense for me...

- Bondage : i was a lot into that when i was younger. It requires quite some trust and connection with the guy that ties U so it's not that easy to do. Also because for me it's a sexual practise sel-sufficient when i do it. Meaning i love good bondage for the love of the art. (And hate poor made bondage as an arousal practise to get my holes. boring)

- Golden : yes i have been pissed at, in the face and in the mouth. it was one encounter, a guy i saw three times, i think who was a lot into it. never went back to it. probably not in the core of my stuff, i dont know exactly.

- Shaven : I'm not a lot into hairy. It applies to me (i'm very lightly hairy) and i shave most of my body (hassole, balls, arms, legs) and i ended with a slut tiny pubic. loves it, reminds me i take/took it up my ass. it's my own private infamous mark ;-) Broader, it seems to apply to my partners (rarely fuck with a really hairy guy)

- Black guys : when u go black, u never go back. black do it better. black are hot. love black men, crave for them. when i like i love. maybe my next bf will be black ? i think i'd love to.

- Latins / Macho guys : The guys who top me usually are macho guys. So after black guys, second turn on.

- Preliminaries : I'm not the kinda "drop my pant and fuck me right here" kind. I love probably as much the "before" as the "thing" itself. Kissing, cock n balls worshipping, getting rimmed, body-body contact... all is good to get my ass wet. It is one of the reason that made me figure out why i loved more some black or latin guys : no rush to explode my ass. And too many white guys i met were way too preoccupied to give only a long plow. bad luck i'm not a power bottom that can take it for hours... no jugement here, only my own corner of the world experience.

- Top : strangely, i can be top too. yeah i know, you won't find that obvious now. So i was a top until few years ago a friend a fuckbuddy of mine (we were sharing some bottoms) took my ass. like a cunt. his wife. loved it so HE is responsible for me being more interested in getting fucked now. But back to the subject, it happens i top and in fact dom top. Strangely the ones i top dont believe i'm a cunt and vice versa those who know me as cunt never believe i can fuck too. Anyway, as i never flip flop with the same guy, as i'm usually not attracted to the same types if it's for toping or getting it up the ass... it's fine. but i do. top. dominant. sometimes.

think i'm good for the first listing. any suggestions ? ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I like blogs where people are open about sexuality, like I am with mine. So I like your posts.

    Also, I must say, as a versatile guy, when I saw your profile pic, my fantasies immediately saw you topping me. You see, I'm such an ass-man that I allow myself to be topped by a guy with a nice ass, before even setting sights on his cock. So hearing that you've been more of a top brings a smile to my face, because that means I instinct wasn't wrong. That fact that you like to experiment and become more a bottom however...makes me grin like the Chesire Cat in "Alice In Wonderland". Aries like myself like to know of the sexual adventurers out there.
